Pub­lis­hed by:

Henrik Spoh­ler
Ans­ba­cher Straße 41
10777 Berlin


VAT-ID: DE165579917
Pro­fes­sio­nal lia­bi­lity ins­urance: Gene­rali

The Texts for the Pro­jects 0/1 Dataflow, Global Soul, The Third Day and In Bet­ween were writ­ten by Chri­stof Siemes.

Noti­fi­ca­tion of lia­bi­lity
In spite of tho­rough super­vi­sion I do not accept lia­bi­lity for the con­tents of exter­nal links. The owners alone are respon­si­ble for the con­tents of their linked web pages.

Copy­right Notice
The con­tents of these pages are copy­right © by Henrik Spoh­ler

No part of this web site may be repro­du­ced, stored in a retrie­val system or trans­mit­ted in any form, by any means, elec­tro­nic, mecha­ni­cal, pho­to­co­py­ing, or other­wise, except brief extracts for the pur­pose of review, without the writ­ten per­mis­sion of Henrik Spoh­ler. You may view docu­ments, and images con­tai­ned the­rein, pre­sen­ted here on the World Wide Web. You must not copy any of these docu­ments, or images con­tai­ned the­rein, without prior per­mis­sion of Henrik Spoh­ler. Not­with­stan­ding the rights I have exer­ci­sed, you may link to these pages from ano­ther web site without prior notice.